The View
Hats Off to the Buskers
Grade: F-
I had no idea who these guys were but while I was grabbing the picture of the Panda Bear album cover off of Amazon to post it I saw one of those links on the side bar to someone’s “Best of 2007 so far” . When I checked it out he had The View’s album on it. I went to Myspace (lame, I know) to check out how they sounded and their entire album was available for listen , so I decided to review it.
I usually try not to read anything about an album if I’m going to review it, but like I said I had no intention of reviewing this when I read about it. According to Amazon.com, Hats Off to the Buskers was produced by Owen Morris, who has produced both Oasis and The Verve before. I thought if he produced albums by both of those bands than he must know his shit and maybe this band is actually good. Wrong!! It’s rather generically British sounding and pretty terrible (you can call people from Scotland British right?). It’s not as bad as Kaiser Chiefs (it‘s close), but it does seem to follow the trend of the album getting worse as it progresses though.
I’d save my cash as far as buying their album goes as it is quite sub-par. Quite
I also found a quote on someone’s Amazon list about this band that I think sums up how I feel about it.
"If you like the Fratelli's, Arctic Monkeys, Libertines you will like these guys. Very British."
I rest my case.
EDIT - I don't dislike this band because they are British. I said earlier in the review that I thought it might be good because of the fact that the guy who produced it produced Oasis and The Verve. Are Oasis and The Verve not British? Again, i rest my case.