Vol. 25
Grade: G -
The reason I called this a "joke" review is because this album should only be taken as such. I also didn't listen to this cd(and I have never even seen it), because if I had I would probably have already killed myself from listening to so many bad songs in a row. I have heard all the songs on this disc, which is probably the closest plastic can get to becoming actual shit, on MTV or in passing before. This album features more pro tools lovers and rappers who only like to sing the title to their songs over and over than you'll find anywhere else. Also there are 4, that's right 4! people who "rose to fame" thanks to American Idol on this. It goes from fake rock, to annoying pop, to senseless rap, right back to fake rock with an American Idol alumni close. If you think that sounds awesome than God help you. All of the songs on this disc are complete excuses for music, well maybe except the Justin Timberlake song. I'm going to go as far as saying if you actually bought this turd and you like it, I don't like you.
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