Saturday, June 2, 2007

Review - Brightblack Morning Light

Brightblack Morning Light
Brightblack Morning Light

Grade: A

I just wanted to take some time out to maybe sway some more peoples attention towards this great band. I tried to find a video of them, but all the live videos are short clips and the only music video I found is one that I think a fan made.

Brightblack Morning Light are a male/female duo that aren't a couple or brother and sister, they're friends. They used to be in a cover band that did My Bloody Valentine and Ride covers together. Their music is very laid back, with almost a lazy feel to it. A lot of people would probably go as far as to say its psych- folk. I guess you could call it that, but when i think psych-folk I think Devendra Banhart and this is a bit different. Definitely a good album to just throw on and hang out or to listen to while driving( as long as you're not driving after you've been awake a really long time).

Here is the first track off of this album. I snatched it straight from the Matador site so hopefully they don't get pissed.

Brightblack Morning Light - "Everybody Daylight"

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