Friend Opportunity
Kill Rock Stars
Grade: D -
I’m kind of at a loss for much to say about this album. It’s pretty weird but not over the top weird. I listened to it a few times to see if it would grow on me, but that proved to be quite painful. I’m just not feeling it I guess. The vocals are rather annoying and some of the lyrics are really stupid. A perfect example of this is “If I were a man and you a dog, I’d throw a stick for you”. Maybe I just don’t ‘get it’ I don’t know. Also, one of their songs titles is “Kidz Are So Small” (just so happens to be the song with those wonderful lyrics), and no, that ‘Z’ on the end of kid is not a typo. That’s how they decided it should be written. I’m not normally a big fan of bands who think it’s cool to purposely misspell words. This band is no exception.
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