Circa Survive
On Letting Go
Equal Vision
Grade: F +
Former singer of Saosin’s 'new' band. I would probably go on to say that Saosin is one of the better screamo bands I’ve heard. Not that that’s really saying much, screamo‘s pretty lame. OK, really lame.
I’ve heard this bands previous album. This album pretty much sounds exactly the same. Granted I haven’t heard the other album in a long time I think if you played one and then the other I wouldn’t have any clue as to which album the tracks belong to. Maybe they figured “if it’s not broke don’t fix it.” Now, allow me to go into an analogy on that idea that might not make any sense (hopefully it will). If you’re trying to win an auto race and you’re race car goes a top speed of 10 miles an hour, you should probably modify things so you can actually compete in the race. Circa Survive is like that race car with a top speed of 10 miles an hour. (Author’s Note: Did I seriously make an analogy to auto racing? I absolutely despise auto racing.)
To their credit I ‘ll say that this album is pretty catchy at some points, but it‘s still not selling me on it‘s sound and making me want to ever listen to it again. The singer is definitely in a one-on-one battle against the singer of Coheed and Cambria in the category of male singer in an emo band who sounds more like a chick.
Despite it’s catchiness at some points, throughout most of the album I found myself to be rather bored. It didn’t make me want to kill myself while listening to it though so I guess that’s a plus for them. They should’ve let me write one of the stickers that’s undoubtedly on the front of their album saying how cool they are. It could have said “Circa Survive’s new sophomore album….it won’t make you want to kill yourself!!”
If you like bands like Coheed and Cambria, Taking Back Sunday, Saosin or you love the channel Fuse then this band is for you.
eat a dick
circa survive isn't screamo.
circa survive isn't a new band.
and F+? that isn't a grade dumbass.
get the facts straight and then i'll accept the shit you say.
yes bitch you did make an anology about race cars you fuck.
circa survive isn't screamo. i bet you didnt even listen to the cd's and you just opted to state a bullshit opinion. plus this is the better cd of the two, so do me a favor and suck a nut.
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